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United States
I am a M.A. in industrial/organizational psychology. Most of my experience has been in human resources and change management. My passion lies in employee assessment, organizational development and employee opinions. Website: www.IanMondrow.com LinkedIn Profile: http://linkd.in/drBYoC

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Lady Gaga as a Model for Human Resource Professionals

Eleven time winner of the MTV music video awards, Lady Gaga, has taken the music industry by storm. With only one album, the artist has won about 56 awards including two Grammys. The new icon inspires todays youth through her youthful energy, shocking outfits and one of a kind performances. Did you know that this artist embraces many of the roles required to work in human resources? How does the music industry relate to human resources? Below are a variety of examples:

LADY GAGA STANDS OUT. At the award shows and concerts, people watch to see what outrageous outfit Lady Gaga will appear in. In regards to human resources, Lady Gaga shows us that it is important for us to differentiate ourselves from the rest of the organization. When an employee sees us, he/she should immediately know that we work in the HR department.

LADY GAGA EMBRACES DIVERSITY. Since the beginning of her career, Lady Gaga has been vocal in regards to equality. She not only made a speech at multiple gay-advocate events but continues to embrace this message. As a HR professional, there is no need to become ordained as a minister to marry gay couples (which Lady Gaga pursued for her gay fans) but we should embrace that diversity is essential for an organization's operation and growth. In addition, we need to be advocate that no employee deserves work be in an uncomfortable environment or experience any type discrimination.

LADY GAGA HAS BEEN TOURING NON-STOP FOR THE PAST TWO YEARS. Like Lady Gaga, HR professionals work hard with little recognition from employees. We are required to wear multiple hats and be experts in employee relations, organizational development, compensation and/or more. In addition, it is vital for us to remain updated on new studies or legislations. However, there are always employees who believe that the HR department is not assisting the organization.

THE PAPARAZZI SHINES A SPOTLIGHT ON GAGA. Like most celebrities, Lady Gaga has no privacy and she is on the cover of every tabloid. Her fashion and behavior has inspired thousands to act just like her. As HR professionals, we need to model ideal organizational behavior. For instance, if an organization is issuing a company-wide change, HR professionals should communicate their support of the change and embrace it in their job. If an HR professional was not supportive of the change, it is likely that most employees would not take the upcoming change seriously.

LADY GAGA SINGS "BAD ROMANCE". As HR professionals, bad romance is not a new concept for us. Unfortunately, we often have to be the bearer of bad news and inform employees of write-ups or terminations. This puts us in uncomfortable situations that could potential hurt our personal and professional relationships. None of us enjoy this type of work but there are times when it is essential.

There you have it. Proof that Lady Gaga embraces what many HR professionals embody today. She is not only a fashion icon, phenomenal singer, talented lyricist and artist but also a role model. Although her actions are far more extreme than the responsibilities of HR professionals, it is clear that similarities are present.


  1. Hi Ian:
    Interesting stuff. I would also add to your point re: Lady Gaga's non-stop touring that as HR professionals (especially those of us who work/consult out of Corporate), it is critical to get out into the field as much as possible; keeping in touch not only with employees, but with the front-line needs of the business. It is this willingness to "get into the trenches" that allows us to build greater credibility, develop stronger partnerships, and align HR programs to the real needs of the organization.

  2. I would have to agree. It is also essential for recruitment/hiring to be out in the field and network!

  3. Great post Ian, I sent it through my twitter network.
    - www.twitter.com/entryhr
    - entryhr.com
    - www.linkedin.com/in/telaireusherrinsphr
